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Energy transition: transition to renewable energy sources

The International Conference “Energy in the Balkans: Transition to Renewable Energy Sources and Improving Energy Networks” was held on May 10 at the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, with the participation of a large number of energy officials and experts. The meeting was officially opened by Patricio Dei Tos, President of Confindustria Serbia, Barbara Beltrame...

K&F Advokati participated in the CONSULEGIS annual conference in Lisbon

Partners of the K&F Advokati PhD Dubravka Kosić and Mihajlo Bakrač recently participated in the three-day CONSULEGIS annual conference, hosted this year by the law firm Abreu Advogados from Lisbon. One of the biggest events in the history of CONSULEGIS, which gathered over 160 participants from all over the world, with several new formats enabled both old...

Electric car manufactured in Serbia

Shortly after the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the opening of a new factory for the production of motor vehicles in Kragujevac, the world car manufacturer Stelantis signed an agreement with the Republic of Serbia on how to finance the production of electric cars. Stelantis Group is a multinational corporation for the production of...

FIC Report “Labor Law – Meeting Challenges”

The law firm K&F Advokati participated in a conference organized by FIC (Foreign Invetors Council) Serbia, held on March 22 in Belgrade, where new solutions regarding labor relations in the Republic of Serbia were discussed. The conference entitled “Labor Regulation – Facing Challenges” opened extremely important and important topics related to changes in regulations in...



March 4, 2022

Representatives of the K&F Advokati Office attended the world’s largest fair for food producers Gulfood, held in Dubai from 13 to 17 February 2022. Partners of the K&F Advokati office visited the Serbian stand as well as the stand of Italian manufacturers. Also, in order to conclude business cooperation, a meeting was held with representatives...

Cooperation with the Law Office from Dubai

K&F Advokati has started cooperation with the renowned office in Dubai Prime Case, with the aim of bilateral relations with a focus on development and support for Serbian businessmen and companies in the Emirates, as well as Emirati entrepreneurs and companies in Serbia. The meeting discussed complete legal consulting, as well as cross-border arrangements.

Serbo-Italian Investment Forum in Rome

A Serbian-Italian investment forum was held in Rome, organized by the Confindustria, the Serbian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy. The forum was attended by a local delegation led by the Mayor of Belgrade, Proff. PhD Zoran Radojičić, and the partner of the law firm K&F Advokati, PhD...

FIC annual session
fik skupština 2

NewsFIC annual session

December 16, 2021

Law office K&F Advokati attended the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) regular annual session of the Assembly, participated in electing the new Board of Directors and adopting the Annual and Financial Report for 2021. For the third time, this year, the “Committee of the Year Award” was rewarded, this time to the FIC Telecommunications & Digital...