Knez Mihailova br. 17, 11000 Beograd, Srbija

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Criminal Responsibility And Offences

Criminal Responsibility And Offences

White-collar crime is on the rise, corporate responsibility is on the rise, and the number of allegations of abuse of office, bribery and corruption, market abuse, competition, antitrust and fraud is on the rise.

In order to protect the interests of its clients, the Law Office K&F Advokati has formed a legal team with by far the largest and most successful practice in the region in this field. In business, there is often disregard for some regulations that are differentia specifica of these areas, which can seriously jeopardize the business of members of management. In this sense, in some areas, it is crucial to obtain high professional advice in advising on larger business transactions.

We represent corporations, businesses and individuals, at every stage of the business risk cycle – from legislative oversight to the development of proactive program compliance and internal control and investigation and provide advice during criminal or regulatory investigations, especially client defense, gathering evidence before domestic and international courts and bodies.


Knez Mihailova no. 17, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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