Changes at the market and the importance of the global crises as well as the impact on not enough developed Serbian market caused significant insolvency of the. From 2010 it is in the process application of the new law on bankruptcy which introduced new legal institutes in the way of solving the problems of insolvency.
Legal teams of the office are included in numerous bankruptcy procedures in various areas, as well as one of the most complicated bankruptcies, which will certainly lay the foundations of practice in the systems of related legal entities, which according to the principle of communicating vessels go into bankruptcy. The office, in very short period off application of the new Law, gain extensive practice in procedures of reorganization plan, which are made in cooperation with renowned financial consultant.
Specialized teams of particularly processes reorganization of assets, the distribution of mortgage pledge, the application of receivables, especially from related legal entities, and find specific solutions in specific areas that depend on the stock exchange quotation of goods.
The key of procedure is the possibility of rehabilitation of bankruptcy debtor with precise overlooking of all facts by horizontal and vertical system and application of the provisions of the Law.
Plans are proposing in the best interest of bankruptcy creditor and bankruptcy debtor, for which, not so rare, it needs to be appointed the network of associates which are familiar with the specificity of the activity and especially the needs of the participants in bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings.
In bankruptcy you can accomplish a variety of significant alternatives to restore the business and legal regulation of the company.